Avril Chioma Rowland Biography | Chef Chioma Davido Girl Friend | Parents | Pictures

Avril Chioma Rowland Biography

Chioma whos full names are Avril Chioma Rowland is a singer who did not hit stadium with her talent. She gained popularity when RnB Pop Artist Davido announces her to be his girlfriend and gifted her with a Porsche car worth N45m on her 23rd birthday.

Chioma Davido Girl Friend

Avril Chioma Rowland was born on May 1st, 1995. She hails from south-east Nigeria and is dating Nigerian superstar Davido who released a song for her on her birthday Titled “Assurance“.

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Chioma Avril Roland is a 300 level student at Babcock University as at the time of this of this post.

Chioma parents are assumed to come from somewhere in a southeastern part of Nigeria, this analogy has been made From her Igbo Name Chioma.

Report and Davido Think she is Cee c twins because of the striking resemblance the BBNaija housemate have with Chioma.

Avril Chioma Rowland Biography | Chioma Davido Girl Friend | Parents | Pictures


Avril Chioma Rowland



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Follow her on Instagram: chefchioma