Deekay hkn biography

Deekay hkn biography

Deekay hkn biography

Young and upcoming artiste Deekay who was previously known as Arlaylay a.k.a lil jah first burst onto the music scene in 2009 with his hit single ‘Gimme Ur Love’. in 2014, Deekay is currently signed to Davido‘s music label DMW a house for other Nigerian talented artists like PeruzziLola RaeDremo, MayorkunSina RamboB-Red, Deekay and Danagog 

Dennis Dela-Yola King is a Nigerian born Ghanaian who is multi-talented as he can rap, sing and dances as well. His dual background gives him the ability to fuse different styles of culture into his music which makes him versatile.

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 His new single ‘High Fever’ features Davido one of Africa’s hottest artiste at the moment, popularly known for his ‘Dami Duro’ classic.

This collabo came about as a result of Davido seeing the potential and ability possessed by Deekay. ‘High Fever’ was written by both Deekay and Davido, which was produced by Krynkman ‘Ishorna Muzick’, and Shizzi. Krynkman is known for his multi produced hit songs with the likes of Sarkodie, EL, and DBlack. Renowned producer Shizzi is also the brain behind Davido’s hit single Dami Duro among other works. CORRECT “The back up was layed by Special (Robo Robo master)” You can try to rephrase this part about special don’t know if this is catchy enough Signed to Impeccable Entertainment, the strategic and promotional skills of this record label is one of its kind, which attaches nothing but world class professionalism to their work.

Deekay is set to make his grounds in the music scene as he intends to take his music to higher levels not only in Africa but the world as a whole.

Though he started music professionally a couple of years ago, Deekay has been performing and making music at a very tender age which exhibits his sheer passion for music.

He has performed three consecutive times at the Miss Polytechnic hall weeks, rock beach parties among others. Also, Deekay participated in the ‘Sprite Emcee Africa’ a Channel O produced continental tour which sets to search for the premier freestyle MC/Rapper.

Expect nothing but the best from Deekay.

The young and energetic artiste promises to give a music lovers quality stuff, he aims to be a force to reckon with in the music industry.

Check Deekay out on Instagram @deekayhkn, twitter @deekayhkn and website for updates including new music, promo tours, and appearances !!