Toofan Biography – Profile, Awards, Education

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Toofan is a musical group founded in 2005 at Togo. They are endowed with instrumental which they peruse to gain the interest of their fans both local and internationally. They has a kind of new concept West African music. The cool-catch dance itself seems simple, but it is a mixture of Neck Movements accompanied by a presentation of the feet opposite to the logic imposed by the movements of the neck. This concept was the subject of a report by France 24 as summer music. More precisely, it is like a magic clip, many fans have benefited from the group in entertainment wise. They are also known for a new concept, the “Gweta” appeared in 2013.
Toofan has won several awards and Nominees among which are at Togo-Afrima nominee 2017 under the categories of Best Male West Africa.