Kizzito Ejam, was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and raised in the USA. He is also known as ‘KizMVP’. He developed a sports-orientated mindset from an early age. He grew up in a large family, which consisted of four sisters and a brother. He started off his fitness journey throughout his high school years – where he regularly participated in soccer, American football, along with basketball.
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During his youth, Kizzito took part in many activities beyond the classroom. He always had a desire to be physically active – being part of the Varsity soccer, American football, and basketball teams throughout his high school years.
By the time he reached the end of high school, Kizzito became involved within martial arts – training at Karate school for a total of three years. After he advanced within Karate, he began to take part in Taekwondo shortly after he began college.
Further down the line, he became passionate about martial arts, earning his black-belt in Taekwondo after just one year. From then on, Ejam set his sights on becoming a martial arts instructor – achieving this feat just six months later.
Through his hard work and dedication, he’s been able to sculpt an defined, proportional physique. In the process, he’s achieved social media fame – inspiring many people across the world to reach their fitness goals.
Kizzito is currently weighing about 88.5kg and has about 177.5cm height.