Baby Fresh Biography | Mavin Record

Biography of  Baby Fresh ,Nigerian Producer signed to mavin Record label

Baby fresh Real / Birth name is Sunday Enejere and
was introduced by donjazzy as Baby fresh Mavin, is one of the great fingers signed to don jazzy record label called “Mavin”. He is the Genus
behind some of the hits produced by Mavin record artist and as a group.
Mavin Records has 9 major members, Don Jazzy; the major producer, Tiwa Savage, Dr Sid, D’Prince, Reekado Banks, Korede Bello, Di’ja, Altims, Baby Fresh.

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Mavin curently have 3 good producers which include the boss Don Jazzy, Baby Fresh and Altims.

has a signature sound
which has made him instantly identifiable amongst music aficionados.
With an eclectic mix borne of different music genres, BabyFresh has
already stamped his trademark on dozens of hit singles.”

Instagram: Babyface mavin

Twitter: babyfresh 

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