Chika Momah Biography | Dj Skitzo

DJ Skitzo real name is Chika Momah, she is a Nigerian female Director, producer, DJ, actress,
and supporting actor.

The one-woman wonder. Director, producer, DJ, actress,
and even supporting actor. She is Has a degree on MBA (Masters
in Business) , and she is not afraid to use it.

The one thing I have learned is to view things as a business. A
business that is always growing and changing, and one must keep up with
your audience and their needs.

And grow is what she did, accumulating over 200,000 followers in the
space of one year, with well crafted, well edited and hilarious ‘Eddie
Murphy- like’ videos, where she plays multiple characters at once.

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With Chika, one thing that jumps at you is the quality of her video
and the time she spends editing it. She is easily one of the
hardest working Instagrammers out there.

With an MBA degree, comedic genius and hustle, DJ Skitzo is not only persevering … she is excelling!

Instagram: callmeskitzo/