VUSIMUZI PHAKATHI Biography | Vus’umuzi Phakathi | Romeo The Poet

Vus’umuzi Phakathi

Romeo is a fledging young poet who’s got wit and wisdom that
surpasses his age. He’s interesting to watch and commands
attention with his content… the content lends itself to current
zeitgeists… He’s a sooth sayer of some sort…
– Kgomotso Montsho “The Star Tonight”

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Vus’umuzi Phakathi (Romeo The Poet) has been a dust
particle in the eyes of many since he took to stage in 2005. His
ministry of poetry has led to performances in numerous
National and Internationally acclaimed events, sharing the stage with, amongst many, Don Mattera,
Bishop Benjamin Dube, Lebo Mashile, Solly Mahlangu, Dennis Brutus, Mzwakhe Mbuli, Sarah Jones,
Lesego Rampolokeng, Dr G.A. Lechuti, and Mark Kelly Smith (Founder of Slam Poetry).

Year 2006
Phakathi co-founded Tower of Thought (T.O.T!), an art collective that rapidly gained popularity in the
Jo’burg poetry scene with their unorthodox style of performance. He performed in the Urban Voices
International Festival, Heart of Africa International Festival and the National School of the Arts Festival of

Year 2007
Phakathi was invited as a guest in the Sedibeng Poetry Festival, and the Worldwide Reading for Media
Freedom in Zimbabwe.

Year 2008
Phakathi performed and/or judged slams in the Wits University Arts Experience, Sedibeng Poetry Festival
and the Jozi Spoken word Festival.

Year 2009
Phakathi was invited as a host for the Jozi Spoken Word Festival (DVC Workshop at the US Consulate);
recorded and released his audio anthology called, “The Abandoned Archive of Romeo The Poet”.
He received a nomination at the 31st Annual Lourie Awards for Best Conceptual Design on a
music video of one of his poems entitled “Environment/Genes”, directed by Sakhile Gumbi.

Year 2010
Phakathi completed and released an astounding project; a book entitled A second with God, which is an
anthology of meditations and poems. The book is coupled with a CD (Audio/Data) of the poems recited
over music produced by Tongogara Ntlokoa who is known for producing music for artists such as Zubz,
Lebo Mashile, Proverb, etc. Two of the recorded poems on the CD, feature two of the country’s most
critical acclaimed songstresses; Pebbles is featured on “Salvation Eve”, and “Family Tree” features Khethi

Vus’umuzi Phakathi

Year 2011
Phakathi set in the judging panel for the DFL National poetry slam alongside Prof. Keorapetse Kgositshile
and Dr. Ava Avalas. He performed at the Daddy’s Girls Woman Conference, LGTG Man’s Conference,
and Another Level Annual Conference at Let’s Go To Glory Ministries; he performed at the God’s
Worshipers Convocation Annual Imbizo, and Artist Hope Arise (AHA!) held by Benjamin Dube.
Phakathi has made numerous TV and radio appearances, viz. (Chat Room and Street Journal on SABC1,
Creations on SABC2, 3Talk with Neoleen on SABC3, SABC News International, Shizniz on eTV, Africa
Awake on Mzansi Magic , Y-fm, Khaya fm, VUT fm, Thetha fm, Impact Radio, Sunday World, The Star
News Paper, and etc.)

Phakathi currently hosts events at the Bassline in Newtown, Johannesburg called, “The Current State of