Margret Kabasinguzi Biography


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Born on August 24, 1979, Kabasinguzi Margret Mijumbi  did Electrical Engineering and worked with organizations in Uganda like Kampala polytechnic – Mengo, Kisubi Tech. Inst., Hima Cement Ltd, Umeme Ltd and the government of Uganda all in electrical Engineering Field. She was once a board member of UTC- Kichwamba Governing Council.

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She hails from Fort Portal in western Uganda. Kabasinguzi Margret grew up in a family of seven, her parents, two younger brothers and five sisters. Her father worked as a Civil Engineer, who retired and is now a business man. Her mum was an industrious lady in the business sector and dead in June 9th, 1994. Kabasinguzi Margret together with her siblings were bought up by her father as a single parent.

She is a mother of two: Kizito Stephen and Prince Winyi Kay Carlos. She loves animals.
Education back ground:
2014- 2015 – nebosh in UK
 2003- 2006- Kyambogo Unversity
1999- 2002 – UTC – Kichwamba
1993 – 1996 – Kahinju sss
1996- 1999 – Panga sss
1988 – 1995 – Kahunga bunyonyi  PS
1986 – 1988 – Kabaseke  Ns

This Bio was submitted by Margret