Seun Akindele Biography – Profile, Age, Hobbies, Education, Films, Love gist.

Bright, talented and ambitious Nollywood star, hails from Ekiti State from a family of 9, been the last child, Seun Akindele. Was born in late 1970s. He attended Air Force Military Secondary School Jos and had his 1st Degree in History and International Relations from Lagos State University.

Among his flicks of honors and awards, is the Golden Icons Academy Awards (GIAMA) in the Houston Texas, United States October, 2016. From his speech during the award ceremony on the movie “On Bended Knees” produced by Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha, directed by Lancelot Imasuen. Having perused I sensed, he is a christian and believed in God for his success in life.

Insight into Seun’ Love life:

Seun got married to his better half (Toun Olorunjedalo) on 9 July, 2017. Many have been waiting to know who will finally be the missing rib of thus bright  actor, as he has alays left the girl undisclosed. It was a glamorous day as celebrities from far and wide gathered to celebrate with them.

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Lancelot Imansuen (One of his best his producers), Peggy Ovire, Iyabo OjoMoyo Lawal and the likes were present to grace the occasion and to see the long awaited bride whom Seun has hidden from public and press for quite a long time.

Left/Center Film Producer Lancelot Imasuen and Satayo during Seun Akindele’ Wedding.

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