Elida Almeida biography – Age, Txika, Bersu d’oru, Lebam ku bo

Elida Almeida is a Cape Verdean singer who was born in 1993 in Pedra Badejo, the east of Santiago Island. She began singing at the church at a young age of 17. She worked on radio commentaries, especially with DJs and presenters and from there started to develop her skills.

Elida later presented at local concerts and sang at bars in Cape Verde where she started her career. The producer, José da Silva, a resident of France with Cape Verdean origins, became interested in her career and her style as it was very different from the most famous Cape Verdean morna-coladeira singer.

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Elida was present at the 2016 Cabo Verde Music Awards (CVMA) together with Hélio Batalha. A month later, she went to the 10th edition of JazzKif, the Kinshasa Jazz Festival.

Her albums include: Ora doci, Ora Margos  her first album which was released in December 2014, “Txika” released in July 2016, “Di Mi Ku Di Bo” (January 2017 ) and “É Zonban” feat. Djodje in July 2017.

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She has also performed in collaboration with Nelly Cruz, a bass guitarist, Diego Gomes with keys, Magik Santiago with the frums and Hernani Almeida, a guitarist. They produced her first album Ora doci, ora morgas.

Elida was designated a laureate at the RFi awards, made by the jury chaired by the Malian singer Oumou Sangaré. She produced mainly on the African continent even at the start of the Festival des musiques urbaines d’Anoumabo (FEMUA – Anoumabo Urban Music Festival) in Abidjan.