PASTOR IFEOMA VIVIAN EMEKA was born on June 20th, 1996. she hails from Nnewi North in Anambra State of Nigeria. She was a Model who became a minister of God. She hit the limelight when she used a hot Iron on her skin to get rid of tattoo she got when she has not accepted Christ as her personal Lord an savior.

Model and early life

Vivian was first called by God to lead his flock at the age of 18, but she denied the call to pursue her passion which was to become a supermodel, she took part in many pageantry events which did not end her favor.


Ifeoma started her journey to become a pastor in September 2017, Where she is attending a Ministers training, With the help of the Holy Spirit and her spiritual mother PROPHETESS Ifeoma Udodinandum.
Ifeoma discovered she was called by God at the age of 18years, but she neglected it, although as a child her mother revealed to her the circumstances she passed through when she bore her, that she was a special child of God.
It was until June 2017 That an angel of the Lord revealed to her in the dream, that her destiny lies in the church, that she is a woman of God… Ifeoma obeyed and Now she is doing the work of her Father.