Gigaba is the second born to Reverend Jabulani Gigaba and Nomthandazo Gigaba. He has three sisters and a brother. Gigaba did his primary school education at Mathonsi Primary School in Mandeni around 1983. He then proceeded to do his high school education at Vryheid State High School in 1988.
During this period Knowledge became involved in various student and youth organisations such as Congress of South African Students (COSAS), the South African Youth Congress (SAYCO), the South African Student Congress (SASCO) and Young Christian Students (YCS). Some of these organisations such as COSAS and SASCO were aligned to the banned African National Congress (ANC). It was his involvement in these organisations that laid the foundation for his activities in the ANC Youth League. He has also been active in youth organizations, and was elected president of the African National Congress Youth League three times in a row (1996, 1998, 2001).
Malusi In 2004, was re-elected to Parliament where he became Deputy Minister of Home Affairs until October 2010. He was involved in a new visa system allowing easier legal flow of migration between South Africa and Zimbabwe. This and positive changes made in the department have won him praise from human rights organization PASSOP and from Adbell Musati, whose Zimbabwean twin brother starved outside of the South African home affairs offices. On 1 November 2010, he became the Minister of Public Enterprises of the Republic of South Africa. In 2011.
Gigaba lashed out at the ANCYL leadership, labeling them as “Anarchists” when they called for the nationalization of the country’s resources. Since his appointment as Minister of Public Enterprises, he has become a leading figure in the South African government. He is responsible for the significant aspect of the government’s massive infrastructure investment programme through the State Owned Companies that are led by him such as Transnet and Eskom.