Williams Falade Biography – Age, Country, Club, Profile

Williams Falade was born in 1983 in England. His early childhood was spent growing up in Nigeria. By the age of 8, fitness became a part of his life. It was at this point, the foundation for his fitness journey started. Falade and his family relocated to England permanently at the time of his high school, during which he established himself as a formidable athlete. He took part in athletic sports such as Javelin, Long Jump and Triple Jump – winning gold in these sports at his school championships.
After earning success in his school years, Falade went on to represent London in the English School Championships. It was at this competition, he came in 7th place in the Long Jump and 1st place in the Triple Jump – emphasizing his potential as an athlete.
However, by the time he reached college, Williams decided that, he wanted to build Muscle Mass. He began training in the College Gym, with the aim of achieving just that. From then on, he set out to build a great physique, following in the footsteps of his idols including Serge Nubret and Roger Snipes.
                      Williams Before Training                                Williams during/after Training

Looking into Falade‘s physique and other personal profile;
6 feet 2


Social media platforms:
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumbler, YouTube – Williamsfalade

Duration of Training:
Nearly 15years now; I first started off at 17 years old during my college days,

Kick off in the gym:
Boredom during lunch breaks at college if am honest, we needed something to do and there was a little college gym nearby. It started off your standard chest day everyday but I soon found a passion for the sport.

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Coming into competing:
There was a PT at my gym who showed me his stage photos and the difference in what was in front of me and what I was looking at on the screen was so vast I had to give it a try.

Source of Inspiration:
Many people – Simeon Panda, Ulisses, Roger Snipes, Billyrose and Justin Gonzales  all have different approaches but get it right these are the people at the top of the industry yet are still working the hardest.

Favorite physique athlete/bodybuilder:
Serge Nubret no one else comes close in my opinion

UK athletes are you keeping your eye on this year:
Ross Dickerson for that fun rivalry that we have going but i tend to keep an eye out for most athletes to be honest. There are some big movements happening in the uk as we speak

Sample of your daily diet during competition season:
I Eat every 2 hours, when it comes to competition season I use no oils, no sugar and no dairy. I keep my water intake high throughout.

Weekly workout routine?
Mon – legs
Tues – chest and shoulders
Wed – Back and Triceps
Thurs – chest and shoulders
Fri – legs
Saturday – rest
Sunday – rest

Super-sets, time under tension & drop sets, I utilize them all, more endurance based closer to show day.

3 go to exercises:
Deadlifts – the daddy of all exercises. Builds thickness right through your body I include it right up until show day.

Cable Fly’s – I find with these I can focus the most on the squeeze for my chest. You can use it for really exhausting the muscle group

Leg Extension – when getting closer to show day leg extensions help endlessly bringing out condition and separation in the quads.

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