FlexVille Marley Biography


Zambian musician FlexVille Marley is a song writer Rapper/Dancehall Reggae fusion, composer ,
hiphop and Afro Pop.He was born on the 24th of June 1985 .his real name is Alfred Wesley Msisha Jr, 6th born
in the family of 8, 4 sisters and 3brothers whose father passed away when he was 7 turning 8 years of age in
1993, he was raised groomed and educated by his single mother…

he happens to be siblings of the two
phenomenal song birds Lady Rozay and Franciar.
He did his primary education at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, Neemtree primary, Jacaranda schools, mid class
and senior high school education studied at Nelson Mandela high Scholl in Lusaka. After completion he studied
Computer Maintenance and Programming at City College and attained a diploma,

He has also undergone child
counselling for children between ages of 7 to 14 years. he has a foundation of having been a member of an
organisation called Youth Alive Zambia (YAZ) wher he enhanced his psycho social and Facilitating skills. it is
also there that he discovered his sports (Basketball) and Musical talents through the events like the Sports Gala
and Musical festivals annually…
“it was 1996 when they introced that organisation (YOUTH ALIVE ZAMBIA)and its main AIM was to fight against
HIV/AIDS by promoting abstinence amongst the youth through programmes like BCP (Behaioral Change
Process), Life Skills (LS)and Adventure Unlimited,. these were the main issues we would look at the same time
having fun with sports and music as we educated the youth.”
At the musical festival the organisation would host Artists like the Muvi Posse crew and the Sakala brothers,
Nasty D Black Muntu, Queen Sheebah etc jus to mention a few and through that experience a musical Talent
was forming and soon to be discovered.

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It was that plus the influence of his older brothers Simon and Elijah with
the love for music that was an influence also to an outstanding talent in the making,
1999 to 2000 FlexVille Marley the Artist was born and at the time he would just perform cover songs of Tupac
and BIG and many more a American arts in variety shows and would really impress everyone… “my first
performance was at a school in 1999 we had a crew called Psycho Blown had guys like Speedo (Tugello
Twamanje) and other guys we would perform and make noise , really that’s wher my passion for music started
and i started to write my own Lyrics”… Armed with the Experience of the stage FlexVille continued to compose
songs and bettering his skills of rapping, he then had also the talent of sports (Basketball) some years had
passed it was 2004 when he joined a basketball team ,

The Junior Hurricanes.. he played with the team for 2
seasons and joined another team the Senior Barcleys Matero Magic Basketball team and played with the team
for a season then was drafted to the then Defending champions Heroes basketball team with whom the team
won a National Championship… it was unfortunate that a groin injury slowed him down as he could not compete
according to the standards of the team he decided to go on a break from the sport of Basketball.
Still possessing the skill of rapping and having been compiling lyrics, FlexVille Marley decided to go back to the
studio he first started working with a local neighbourhood producer by the name of G­mek who produced the
very first First FlexVille Marley studio song and the song was titled Belligerent this song was a significant piece
of evidence that a great talent was finally discovered, a fellow local producer having heard such charisma and
talent offered a deal to work on a project and this was non other than J.O.B…

 Signed at No Intro Records
FlexVille Marley became studio mates with Bobby East­ (Co Owner), Franciar, Juvic Music, Alpha Romeo, Chilu
F Baby, S.B Wau and Charley Black jus to mention a few, he recorded a number of songs that gave him an
opportunity to make an appearance on CBC TV, the very first TV interview.

 The No Intro team had done numerous works as J.O.B was working hand in hand with other artists as well like
Slap D and produced macky II’s fmous ‘Wileka Nkwikate Pankanda’ song… through the great works, No Intro
Studios was braced with the visit of Ben Blazer and Petersen and were both amazed with the works of the little
studio and the production of J.O.B, it was then that Blazer Studios Started working with J.O.B as a co producer
and got with him to Kitwe Blazer Studios Bobby East, Franciar and Flexville Marley.

While in Kitwe songs like
‘Paloma’ by Bobby East, ‘Going Higher’ by J.O.B, ‘Umutokofyompo’ by Franciar and later on ‘Tonight’ by
FlexVille featuring Franciar at Blazer Lusaka Branch were produced, and took the nation by storm it is this song
that brought recognition to Flexville as this song won a Bronz Medal in the Gama African online awards hosted
in the United States as it was in the best colable category and was running up against Elephant man of Jamaica
and Ikechukwu of Nigeria.
Flexville Marley had gained his experience of performing to a larger crowd in the spot light of Dancehall
sensation Petersen Zagaze as he took him along around the country for his shows and would perform at
different shows…

FlexVille Marley has continued to release great music and has done collaborations with
almost every Zambian Artist big and small
ZambianMusic.Net recalls that in the 2014 Born&Bred Awards, Flexville Marley was nominated 3 times in
categories; Best Collaboration, (Respect ft Ben Blazer,Franciar,Shyman and Karasa), Best Male Upcoming
(Show Me feat Tu­K) and Best Female Upcoming (Wemunandi Niwe Miss Chama feat Flexville Marley) of which
the song that won the award,..

FlexVille Marley has worked on a number of songs and has done international
collaborations in Malawi, Uganda, Nigeria and South Africa where he was an invited as a young guest Artist at
the MAMA MTV Awards and underwent a rigorous workshop for new artists intending to penetrate

Flexville Marley has worked with a huge number of local and international producers, too many
to mention but all of them with whom he made great music and a great work report with, and through the music
made he has managed to build himself a following of both fans and young/old artists learning style and great
delivery from him. it is evident that he has contributed to the level at which Zambian music is to date and its safe
to say he is one of the Pioneers of the new generation of Zambian Music(Hip Hop/ Reggae/Dancehall) to be
specific, he is also grooming young artists through being an inspiration of this fusion kind of Music in Zambia