Zav Madina Biography – Age

Zav (Madina Givralgy vaz) was born on May 12, 1975 in Maputo in the province of Maputo, Mozambique to Felix José Macedo Vaz Natural of Maputo and Mariamo Givragy Natural of Inhambane,
In addition to singing and dancing, she is a Mother, Banking Officer and a faculty of accounting and auditing.

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In 1984 she started singing and dancing in the school’s cultural group, later in 1998 in pastures, parties, parties, etc., imitating national and international musics, she recorded her first song “Maly yango” which means my money in 2006 that was edited by Vidisco in the compilation Mozambique 10+ volume 2, the first Disco came out in January of 2007 titled “Miss Zav in the house” and was well accepted by the Mozambicans, South African and Angolan public.