
Farhad Aslani Biography – Age, Wiki, Country, Movies, Profile
Farhad Aslani was born on 8 June, 1966 in Bijar, Iran. Aslani grew up in Tehran, and was recognized for his impersonation skills at an early age. He played his first …

Mohammad Ali Keshavarz Biography – Age, Wiki, Movies, Profile, Country
Mohammad Ali Keshavarz was born on 15 April, 1930 in Seyhon, Isfahan. He is the second child of the family of Keshavarz, an artificer family. He is an Iranian cinema …

Ali Nassirian Biography – Age, Wiki
Ali Nassirian was born on 4 February, 1935. He is an Iranian film and theater actor. Ali plays both character and leading roles. He whilst gaining experience in screen writing during 1955 to …

Parsa Pirouzfar Biography – Age, Wiki, Movies, Country, Education, Profile
Parsa Pirouzfar was born on 13 September, 1972 in Tehran. He is an Iranian actor and theater director. Parsa during his school from 1984 to 1990 he designed comic strips without publishing …